NCRMA’s lobbying team is proud to be the voice of the retail industry in North Carolina. Legislative success is the result of a keen focus on building consensus, professional leadership, and positive political effort. However, it also extremely important for us to endorse and elect candidates who understand and support North Carolina’s retail industry which is the goal of our non-partisan political action committee, the North Carolina Merchants Political Action Committee (NC MPAC).
Your contribution to NC MPAC is an investment in your business. NC MPAC allows NCRMA to financially support candidates who have a demonstrated commitment to business and are willing to fight for the issues important to retail when they are in office.
All contributions to NC MPAC must be personal donations but we hope you will consider making a donation to NC MPAC today and help us help you.
Voluntary contributions to the NC MPAC must be charged to a credit card for which payment is made with personal funds or made from another state or federal PAC registered with the NC State Board of Elections. Funds from corporations or business entities of any kind are prohibited by law.
Contributions to the North Carolina Merchants Political Action Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. As of 2023, an individual may contribute $6,400 per election, and couples may contribute $12,800 per election from a joint account, but such a contribution requires both signatures.
**State law requires us to collect and report the name, home mailing address, occupation and name of the employer of individuals who contribute to NC MPAC. Contributions are not tax deductible as contributions for federal income tax purposes.